Friday 3 October 2008

Cam the man with the plan

“I am man with a plan” appears most quoted line from David Cameron’s address to the Conservative Party at their conference on Wednesday.

Cameron has made it no secret that he plans to ‘Fix Britain’s broken society’ should he become PM, but yesterday he promised to be as radical in social reform as Thatcher was in economical reform.

In fact this was only one in a series of comments he made which evoked a Thatcherite spirit at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.

Although I went to school in the generation of ‘Thatcher the milk snatcher’, I can still see how the comparison he has made between himself and the former first lady might entice voters. In his attempt to tackle Labour’s claim that he was a “novice” Cameron told his party that “Experience was the excuse of the incumbent down the ages”.

He spoke of James Callaghan, PM in 1979 who like our own PM had gained plenty of experience in various cabinet positions as home secretary, foreign secretary and chancellor, however was ‘swapped’ by Margaret Thatcher to the delight of many.

So is Cameron right? Does experience suggest you are implicated in the system that failed? If so, is a change of leadership is what we really need?

By Danielle Thomas

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